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Essential Casio Calculator Skills - Succeed with Math!
Start learning the Essential Casio Calculator Skills
Introduction to Essential Casio Calculator Skills (2:01)
Resetting Your Calculator (1:21)
Overview of the Calculator
Overview of the Calculator Layout (0:57)
Overview of popular functions (3:54)
The Basic Functions of the calculator
Different Representations, such as fractions, decimals, surds and percentages
Converting between fractions, decimals and surds using the S<>D button. (3:22)
Mixed Numbers and Improper Fractions (1:57)
Percentage of amounts and percentage changes (2:24)
How to find percentage changes and orginal amounts. (3:39)
How to input recurring decimals. (1:53)
Recurring Decimals for fx-300ES and others.
Different Representations
Memory & Modes.
Storing and Recalling Values - The STO and RCL function (1:40)
Math Display VS. Line Display. Which is better? (4:35)
Warning. If you prefer Line mode and you need to reset. (1:05)
Printable Pdf for the next lesson.
The Mode Menu and TABLE mode (7:04)
STAT Mode - Finding a total, a mean and placing values in order. (4:26)
Independent Memory - Totalling values and finding the mean. (1:29)
VERIFY Mode - Checking values and identities. (8:54)
Verifying expressions using VERIFY mode (4:29)
Quiz on Modes and Memory
Finish and Extra Material
Congratulations. (0:23)
Downloadable Teacher Resources
Extra Content - Divide an amount by a given ratio (2:09)
Bonus Lecture
Bonus Lecture - Get the next course, Master Your Casio Calculator for £7
Converting between fractions, decimals and surds using the S<>D button.
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